03 February 2018

Week 1

The first week we simply did nothing but get familiar with the received parts, though there were some parts missing. We started to consider the coding of the car and got the basic ideas.


  1. Most of the parts were received and checked.
  2. The basic structure of the car was constructed.
  3. The basic ideas on coding come out.


  1. Important parts missing (including the battery case, shield and Arduino due to the delivery).
  2. Lack of different kinds of wires (USB, HDMI, Ethernet cables).

List of Parts

  1. Arduino Uno(missing)
  2. Shield of Arduino(missing)
  3. Battery case(missing)
  4. Toy car model(with the help of AA)
  5. Raspberry Pi 3
  6. Android smartphone(self prepared)
  7. Bluetooth mode HC-05
  8. Car model with motors
  9. cables(borrowed from lab)


It was rough from the first week when the parts are still on the delivery. We've simply done the most basic thing.

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