09 February 2018

Week 2

This week we still not got all the items. We mainly worked on the codes, and the results of coding were satisfactory.


  1. All parts received except the shield.
  2. Successfully connected the Bluetooth  mode
  3. Started coding


  1. Shield was not received.
  2. The coding on arduino has a lot of bugs, not even close.

Pictures of parts

Figure 1. The Raspberry Pi 3 
Figure 2. The HC-05 Bluetooth mode
Figure 3. The Arduino Uno
Figure 4. The battery case (4*AA batteries)
From the figures we can see the basic parts were collected. The quality of the parts were good. However there is still no shield, so the assembly task was postponed.


This week the project started, but things were not going smoothly. Both coding and assembly were facing big challenges. We were still waiting for the shield.

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